Looking Back on January 2021

DSAW continues to rise above in 2021 by planning programming that fulfills the CDC’s COVID-19 safety guidelines and our clients’ needs! Our statewide virtual programming had tons of exciting new content during January. Participants attended the first round of Pop-Up programs. Virtual family fun nights continued with MADSS Bingo and a DSAW Karaoke night. DSAW- Southeastern WI even fit in a socially-distant sledding day!

Winter Fun

DSAW- Southeastern WI Family Sledding Day

DSAW- Southeastern WI planned a family sledding day at Sunburst Winter Sports Park for local families! This was a great opportunity for families who have children or loved ones with disabilities to meet up outside in a safe, socially-distant way. Families enjoyed tubing down the hill at Sunburst and socializing with each other.

DSAW- Southeastern WI looks forward to planning more in-person events as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and community organizations safely re-open.

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Virtual Family Night

DSAW families and self advocates across the state are loving virtual family nights. On the third Thursday of the month, DSAW hosts an evening of family fun! This month participants enjoyed a Karaoke Night! All kinds of music was featured and every participant got their chance to shine by singing and dancing along to their favorite tunes.

Join us next month for our Virtual Valentine’s Party!

NEW DSAW Pop- Up Classes


Pop-Up Classes are one of DSAW’s newest program offerings! The first Pop-Up class of the spring 2021 semester was lucky to hear from Ryan Raisbeck, a firefighter from Madison, WI!

Raisbeck talked about what a day in the life of a firefighter is like and day to day safety skills like “stop, drop, roll.” The class discussed exit drills and how to safely leave a home if there is a fire! We are so thankful to Ryan for taking the time to talk about these important topics with our class!

If you’d like to sign up for Pop Up classes, 30 additional units will be added to your plan. These are fun classes and events that will “pop up” during January- June. You can pick and choose which ones you’d like to attend! DSAW Instructors will turn to YOU for class ideas and actives! Questions about Pop Up Classes? Contact Mary, Adult Services Manager.

DSAW Virtual Leaders Retreat

DSAW Board members from all 7 chapters met up via Zoom to discuss the past, present, and future of all the DSAW chapters! While this virtual retreat looked very different from our usual in-person weekend, we were happy to have an opportunity to come together and reflect on the past year. There was also an opportunity to meet new board members who joined in 2020 and share ideas to help make 2021 a safe and productive year of events, education, and programming for DSAW families all over Wisconsin! Thanks to all who attended!

DSAW Connects During January

DSAW Connects Statewide Programming began the spring semester on January 4th. Read on to see what our virtual classes have been up to!

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Criss Cross Training with Pizazz

A new fitness program for the spring semester! Participants are working on different breathing techniques, strength training, and basic step routines. One of the awesome participants, Rachel, has been co-leading the end of class and teaching a dance routine to "Born this Way."

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Exploring Music & Movies

An exciting guest speaker visited participants in DSAW Connects: Exploring Music & Movies! We spoke to American Actor Ric Reitz and his experience with films and script writing!!


Crafts & Conversation

Participants are having a "crabtastic" time in DSAW Connects: Creative Corner! Participants followed along at home while they learned how to make a crab out of craft sticks.

DSAW Free Spring Programs

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Stream Team

Stream Team is loving their new combined class as it gives them the opportunity to meet new friends! Group leaders Abigail and Rachel have focused on asking the group what activities they’d like to see during this semester. Participants requested more Kahoots, “Would You Rather,” and other fun, social games.

DSAW Zoom Zumba

Zoom Zumba or ZOOMba is a fun and free fitness program hosted by DSAW and MADSS. This class features fun upbeat music, adaptive moves, and is guided by a certified Zumba instructor. Participants have enjoyed requesting songs and getting their parents and siblings to join in the fun. You can still sign-up-this class is always accepting new participants.

Looking Back on December 2020

DSAW finished 2020 strong! Several DSAW Chapters hosted socially-distant holiday events. DSAW and MADSS hosted virtual family nights for self advocates and families across the state and our regular DSAW Connects Programming wrapped up on December 18.

Holiday Events Around Wisconsin


Several DSAW Chapters celebrated the season in socially-distant ways! We are so grateful that we had the opportunity to spread holiday cheer this year even if our events looked different due to the pandemic. Thank you to all board members, volunteers, and families for making these events happen during challenging times.

DSAW- Southeastern WI Holiday Drive- Thru

On Saturday, December 12, DSAW opened its doors for a socially-distant holiday drive-thru! Local families drove up to the doors at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and received special goodie bags from DSAW. Santa and his elf also attended so kids and self-advocates could chat with them from their cars. It was so nice to see friends and families we haven’t seen since summer!

DSAW- Sheboygan Holiday Movie Night At Home

DSAW- Sheboygan wanted their local families to enjoy a holiday movie night from the comfort of their homes! Board members sent virtual gift cards to families so they could rent a holiday movie and enjoy a night in with their loved ones.

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DSAW-Central WI Holiday Gift Pick Up

DSAW- Central WI invited local families to sign up for their Holiday Gift Pick Up! On December 12th, registered families pulled up to Wausau West High School and received gift bags, hot chocolate, and holiday cheer from the DSAW- Central Board members.

DSAW- La Crosse Rotary Lights Meet Up

DSAW- La Crosse members met up at the Rotary Lights Show for a night of socially-distant, holiday fun! Santa greeted participants in the parking lot and the cars caravanned through the giant light displays.

DSAW- Chippewa Valley Holiday Curbside Pick Up

At the start of the month, DSAW- Chippewa Valley put on a gift giving program called “Holiday Curbside Pick Up,” for local families who have children and loved ones with Down syndrome or related disabilities. Children and young siblings requested gifts in advance and then picked them up “drive-thru style” at Student Transit in Eau Claire.

DSAW- Green Bay Santa’s Rock N’ Lights

DSAW- Green Bay hosted a socially-distant meet up at a local light show called “Santa’s Rock N Lights.” DSAW families were gifted tickets and were able to all enjoy the light show on the same night.

DSAW Fall Programming Wrap Up

DSAW Connects Statewide Programming Fall Semester

DSAW Connects Statewide Programming wrapped up its fall session on December 18th! Read below to see how a few virtual classes went out with a bang!

Let’s Get Connected

Let’s Get Connected evening session enjoyed a day of karaoke fun to celebrate the last class! Participants sang along to all kinds of music from old school country to Christmas tunes.

Back to Work

Over the semester, this class has focused on being flexible. They concluded class with a discussion about rock brain vs flexible brain. Participants reviewed steps on how to stay flexible when faced with a challenge and completed a picture activity where they drew what they were expecting on one half of the paper, pretended to erase it and drew the new change on the other half.

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Media Madness

Media Madness kept their last class strictly fun! Participants ended the semester dressed in festive clothing and played a special round of Christmas “Name that Tune.”

Life Skills & Laughter

Life Skills and Laughter celebrated the season with a virtual holiday party. The last class included festive holiday clothing, Christmas conversation, and lots of fun holiday games.

DSAW Free Fall Programs

Stream Team

Our close-knit group of Stream Team participants ended the semester with a virtual holiday party! We had a discussion about our favorite holiday movies and answered holiday-themed “Would You Rather” questions.

Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group

DSAW Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group is a totally non-judgmental support group for women who have recently received a DS diagnosis or gave birth to a child with Down syndrome. Group members have grown close over the last few months and have had many instances of women returning to the group after giving birth just to enjoy their community. The group is always accepting new members and hopes to grow in 2021.

7 Days of DSAW: Holiday Pop Up Classes

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Grateful & Thankful

“7 Days of DSAW” Holiday Pop Up Classes kicked off on December 21! The first class was called “Grateful & Thankful.” Participants watched a video called “25 Reasons to be Grateful” and then shared their own reasons with the group. Participants also discussed why it is important to spend time acknowledging and being thankful for people or things. The class was ended with a teamwork emoji holiday song guessing game.

“7 Days of DSAW” runs until December 31st. Classes are daily from 11-12 PM.

Monthly Statewide Virtual Family Nights

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DSAW December Disney Trivia Night

DSAW is hosting monthly virtual family events throughout fall and winter! This month, we got together for December Disney Trivia!

This virtual family night was very well attended and so much fun! 28 families and self-advocates logged on to the Zoom call to answer questions related to Disney movies.

Next month’s family night will be a virtual Karaoke Night on January 21st!

See You Next Year: DSAW Connects Statewide Programming Winter/ Spring 2021

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DSAW’s new semester of DSAW Connects, new pop up classes, and small group options all start on January 4th 2021! DSAW Connects: Statewide Winter/ Spring 2021 Programs provide multiple types of curriculum and activities for individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities across Wisconsin. The winter/spring 2021 programming runs for 6 months, January 4th through June 4th. Courses are geared for ages 12 and up, although individuals of all ages are welcome to try the classes.

Meet the DSAW Connects Teachers

DSAW Connects is a huge success and it’s thanks to DSAW’s brilliant Family Services staff and teachers. Please watch the video below to get to know the incredible instructors you see on your Zoom screen every week!

DSAW Siblings John & Lia

Every year, you make it possible for DSAW to serve 5,500 people with Down syndrome, related disabilities, and their families across Wisconsin through the provision of services, education, resources, and support. Two of those people are siblings John and Lia.

John on an adventure with Mariah

John on an adventure with Mariah

Over the last several years, DSAW has helped John and Lia to rise above expectations and to live fulfilling lives! DSAW job coaches have helped John hold temporary work experiences at Culver's and Pizza Ranch. Mariah, John's respite provider and job coach, has been working with him for over a year and has seen the impact DSAW has had in his life. She noticed that "Especially over quarantine, John was stuck in the house and wouldn't want to do very much but sit around. Now, [she] works with him 2 times a week, and he is so happy when he sees [her] that he runs out the door!" Mariah is thankful that she plays a role in helping John and Lia achieve their goals, and it doesn't hurt that they are the most giggly clients she has ever had! :)

Lia also benefits from DSAW's one-on-one services and is working to accomplish her goals in the community. She even got to practice her social and life skills last summer at DSAW's Summer Day Camp for teens!

DSAW staff works with individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities in their jobs, in their homes, and in their communities. We work with all ages on skills ranging from daily living skills, job training, goal setting, and so much more. Click here to learn more about how DSAW can help your loved ones.

When you make a year-end gift to DSAW, you fund a wide range of life-changing services that support thousands of people like John and Lia across Wisconsin.

We couldn't do this without you! Let's help our friends rise above expectations and the current circumstances to live amazing lives!!

Jayvion's New Job

When you donate to the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, you fund life-changing programs and services that help our friends and families rise above their circumstances. You've already heard about DSAW Connects, the power of DSAW's community, and our Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group. Did you know that DSAW also provides employment services for individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities?

In July 2020, DSAW formed a partnership with Engauge Workforce Solutions. Engauge is a placement agency for manufacturing, and they also have a training facility in Menomonee Falls designed to teach people basic manufacturing skills, forklift training, assembly, and welding. In addition to training, they do outsourcing by bringing in assembly work. Wendy Schmidt, DSAW's Vocational Services and Business Development Manager, finds that this outsourcing is "a great way for individuals with diverse abilities to try out a job in manufacturing in a smaller, more supported environment." If clients do well and want to continue to work in manufacturing, Engauge can place them into one of their partner businesses as a temp for 90 days, after which they can be hired by the business.

This service was made possible through support from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

This service was made possible through support from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Wendy recognizes the impact of this partnership by saying, "It's not often you find a company that is willing to open up their doors to multiple individuals at one time, train them, and help them grow." Cassandra Skindzelewski of Enguage shares that "At Enguage, we believe meaningful work can change lives...We value the unique perspectives different populations bring, and we are passionate about helping our clients to successfully embrace workforce diversity."

Jayvion began working at Engauge a few months ago. He really enjoys working with the pieces and seeing what goes in to each product. He loves working with different people and developing new job skills. He says he never thought he would have worked in manufacturing, but now that he is, he can't see himself switching careers!

Cassie knows that "By working with DSAW, we have been able to collaborate and prove how individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities are more than capable of succeeding in manufacturing." DSAW's partnership with Engauge helps people to rise above the difficulties of securing meaningful employment, and it helps them make a fair wage, too!

Please consider DSAW in your year-end giving. You have the power to help people like Jayvion find jobs. By donating today, you can provide someone with Down syndrome in Wisconsin a job that they enjoy.

Meet Gretchen and Kristine

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Today is Giving Tuesday! After a long few days of buying and spending, today we focus on giving back to our communities. To show you the power of your gift, we'd like to tell you about our new Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group.

Last year, DSAW mom Gretchen Dodgion (pictured in cover photo) came to us with the idea of starting a Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group for women who have received a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. After the birth of her daughter Madeleine, Gretchen realized that she "made it through one of the most difficult challenges in [her] life to receive the most beautiful and special gift imaginable." She wanted to share this message with other women and help them "make it through the challenge of the fear and uncertainty that can often accompany a prenatal diagnosis." This year, her idea blossomed into a virtual, statewide network of supportive friends!

Kristine and her new daughter Aila

Kristine and her new daughter Aila

Kristine was one of the first women to join the new group. Initially, she was "uncertain about participating in the group because the news about [her] child was so new, the grief and anger were painfully fresh, and [she] felt so alone. [She] wanted to build a network to hear that things were going to be okay and that [she] could have the strength to welcome the child, because [she] couldn't see a way out of the pain that [she] was in."

Since joining the Prenatal Diagnosis Group, Kristine has found "such hope and encouragement in speaking with women who are able to see the gifts in the unexpected." She's developed friendships that she hopes will be lifelong, and she has welcomed her daughter Aila into the world. She continues to join the expectant parents and share her journey with others.

Gretchen has loved leading the group with women like Kristine, and she is thankful that at DSAW's Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group, "friendships have been formed, tears have been shed, hearts have been opened, spirits have been lifted, and hope has been reborn."

You can give messages of hope and support to expectant moms like Kristine by making a gift to DSAW today. When you donate to DSAW, you help fund programs like our Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group that make a significant impact in people's lives.

Today's the day. Will you donate to DSAW in honor of Giving Tuesday?

The Power of DSAW's Community

The Meier family hosted a bowling tournament fundraiser for DSAW

The Meier family hosted a bowling tournament fundraiser for DSAW

Can you take a few minutes to read about the incredible, creative ways that our DSAW community has supported us during this challenging year? Because of YOU, we have been able to rise above the uncertainty of this year and come out stronger than ever.

In early spring, we weren't at all sure what this year would bring. As the months went on and we realized that we wouldn't be returning to in-person programs for awhile, we started to reimagine our fundraising events. How could we make it through this year without any Awareness Walks?

We quickly realized that YOU would help us make it through this year. We are so humbled by and grateful for the amazing ways our families and friends have supported DSAW.

We want to share just some of the ways that the DSAW community has stepped up to help sustain DSAW in 2020:

  • Peyton Larson of Racine hosted a lemonade stand fundraiser for her birthday.

  • The Meier family of Southeastern WI had a Down Syndrome Awareness tournament fundraiser at their bowling alley, Country Lanes.

  • Team Phoenyx of Sheboygan had a bake sale to benefit their Walk team.

  • Murackulous Photography hosted a photo session fundraiser.

  • VIVA MAYHEM of Southeastern WI hosted a huge lemonade stand, a golf outing, a sweatshirt fundraiser, and more to raise the MOST money of any DSAW Awareness Walk team in history!!

  • Robert and Cassandra Maas of Sheboygan honored DSAW at their wedding! Every time someone made a donation to DSAW, the newlyweds would kiss.

  • Kitty Storey partnered with Cranky's donut shop in Wauwatosa to offer a Down Syndrome Awareness donut during the month of October - all proceeds went to DSAW.

  • Andrea Finney of La Crosse raised money for her local Walk by hosting a Pampered Chef fundraiser on Facebook.

  • The Hau family in Sheboygan had a garage sale and donated the profits to DSAW.

Robert & Cassandra Maas raised money for DSAW at their wedding!

Robert & Cassandra Maas raised money for DSAW at their wedding!

These are just SOME examples of the power of DSAW's community. We truly are a grassroots organization, and we raise money dollar by dollar. All of your efforts have made a huge impact and will set us up for success in the year to come!

You can join these amazing DSAW supporters by making a gift to DSAW on Giving Tuesday (tomorrow!!). Share a post on your social media. Forward this email to a family member. Get your networks involved tomorrow - we need the power of this wonderful community!

Will you consider donating to DSAW tomorrow? Let's celebrate Giving Tuesday with as much excitement as we celebrate Cyber Monday.

Looking Back on November 2020

DSAW kept busy during the month! Our Southeastern WI chapter hosted a socially-distant family night at Winter Wonders. Families gathered on Zoom to watch a Kohl’s Wild Theater Production. DSAW Connects classes and free programs continued as usual and a new sponsor generously offered to support the winter/spring 2021 semester of DSAW Connects!

Country Lanes Bowling 9-Pin Fundraiser


DSAW wants to give a huge thank you to the Meier family and Country Lanes Bowling Alley!

New owners of Country Lanes Bowling Alley, Kevin and Lee Ann Meier, held a 9-pin fundraising tournament on October 3rd in honor of their daughter Leilani (6) who has Down syndrome. They had an outpouring of love and support from their community and customers and raised $2,170 to donate to DSAW! Kevin and Lee Ann love being a part of the DSAW community and were very excited for Leilani to be able to contribute to helping others! They will be hosting this tournament every year! We can't wait for the next one.

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DSAW Family Meet Up: Winter Wonders

DSAW- Southeastern WI hosted a socially-distant family night on November 20th! We were so excited to be able to provide Winter Wonders holiday light show tickets for 58 local families! Thank you to everyone who signed up for this event, and we are looking forward to the DSAW Holiday Drive-Thru on December 12!

Monthly Statewide Virtual Family Nights


“Welcome to the Zoo” Kohl’s Wild Theater Remote Showing

DSAW is hosting monthly virtual family events throughout fall and winter! November’s Virtual Family Event was a remote showing of the Kohl’s Wild Theater Production, “Welcome to the Zoo!”

Families and self-advocates enjoyed the lively and interactive show and followed it up with some discussion questions from the Milwaukee Conservation Society.

Our next month’s Virtual Family Event is December Disney Trivia Night on December 17th. This is a FREE trivia night for DSAW and MADSS families. Sign up today!

Madison Area Down Syndrome Society Bingo Night

MADSS hosted a virtual Bingo Night for families and self-advocates on November 18th. MADSS utilized a virtual platform to generate Bingo cards for all players. Players went above and beyond standard Bingo rules and tried getting “bingos” in unique patterns like outside boarder, four corners, and fun holiday shapes!

DSAW- Fox Cities Trivia Night

The Fox Cities and Green Bay chapters had their own trivia night early this month! DSAW- Fx Cities staff hosted a family trivia night. Questions were general knowledge and the group had lots of fun bonding with friends in their area.

DSAW Connects: Fall Programming Wrap Up

DSAW Connects Fall Classes run until December 18th! Read below for updates on what a few classes have gotten up to in November!


Navigating Our World

On Veteran’s Day, the Navigating Our World class had the privilege of talking to a guest speaker who was in the military! Joshua Vogt was a Marine in the United States Marine Corps. He explained the different branches of the United States Military and gave the class insight into his specific roles and duties during his service. The class asked some awesome questions like: "How did you get your food while in the military?" "How hot was it in Saudi Arabia?" "Did you ever swim while you were in the desert?" and "Did you play pranks on other Marines you served with?" Thank you, Joshua for spending time with our class!


Sweatin’ In the Afternoon

Sweatin’ in the Afternoon combines fun and fitness! This hard-working group has been focusing on different types of breathing to support their workouts, including square breathing. They’ve also covered topics like crossing the midline and the meaning of “namaste.” One participant has stepped up and started teaching a dance routine to the class for some cardio. Every class she teaches a little more of the routine and the participants follow along and jam out to “Born this Way” by Lady Gaga!

Free Fall Programs

DSAW is thrilled to be able to offer FREE, virtual programming during the fall/winter. The current programming runs through December 18th. Read below for some class updates!

Crafts & Conversation


Crafts & Conversation is a "free" craft time that allows for conversation while you work! The group completed several projects in the fall including scrapbooking pages, occasion cards, and painting projects. For the holidays, the group started two craft projects! The first is decorating a turkey cardboard cutout with felt stickers and fall colored tissue paper. The second is a Thanksgiving weave placemat with felt stickers. Earlier this month the group started creating holiday greeting cards and they will finish those up during their last session in December!

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Stream Team

DSAW Stream Team and Tween Stream Team merged to create one big Stream Team! One of our favorite fall activities was utilizing Kahoot technology to learn more about the class and ourselves by answering poll questions!

DSAW Winter Programming

DSAW has a new semester of DSAW Connects coming up along with new pop up classes and small group options!

Thank you, Allcox & Associates!


DSAW is so grateful to our friends at Allcox & Associates for supporting this semester of DSAW Connects Statewide Programming! Thank you for believing in our friends with Down syndrome and related disabilities and helping us enhance lives through virtual educational programs.

Re-enroll in your favorite DSAW Connects classes and check out the new offerings for the winter season!

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DSAW Connects: Statewide Winter/ Spring 2021 Programs provide multiple types of curriculum and activities for individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities across Wisconsin. The winter/spring 2021 programming runs for 6 months, January 4th through June 4th. Courses are geared for ages 12 and up, although individuals of all ages are welcome to try the classes.

Although we are not able to be hand-in-hand this year, our classes will still be hands-on! Create your own day by picking and choosing which classes work for your family. This year’s goal is the same as always! Our committed and caring staff want to provide YOU with a positive learning experience by facilitating interactive and structured days full of fun activities and educational exercises. All you need is an internet connection to get in on the fun!

Learn More About DSAW Connects

Like all things 2020, Thanksgiving is going to look a bit different this year. Some of us won't see our families or friends. Some of us may be breaking years-long traditions. But what better time than now to reflect on all of the things for which we ARE grateful?

DSAW’s Let’s Get Connected virtual course

DSAW’s Let’s Get Connected virtual course

Here at DSAW, we are thankful for our DSAW Connects virtual education series. Over 8 months ago, we had big (in-person) plans for 2020. But like everyone else, we had to adapt and rise above the circumstances. We transitioned many of our programs and services into a virtual format, and since March, DSAW Connects has been so successful that we plan to continue our virtual programming even after the pandemic has passed!

By the end of this year, DSAW staff will have provided 2,000+ hours of virtual services!! In 2020, we've reached more people across Wisconsin with our programs than EVER before. We held 28 different classes for over 275 participants, averaging 10 classes per day. Wow!! Thank you all for making this possible. If you would like to get involved with DSAW Connects in 2021, click here.

DSAW's Program Manager Lilly notes that our virtual education series "is a powerful tool that we have to help reduce any regression that this pandemic could ultimately cause, and, in fact, it has been instrumental in creating new learning opportunities for my clients and has helped to cultivate improvements in learning, interacting, and in overall well-being."

Maddy participates in a Halloween party through DSAW Connects

Maddy participates in a Halloween party through DSAW Connects

Maddy's mom Marita agrees with Lilly's observations: "Maddy is transitioning from a child to a tween and she is relatively shy with her peers. With the onset of COVID-19 and all the shutdowns, I was very concerned that this would become a bigger issue. We signed Maddy up for DSAW Connects and she has absolutely blossomed over the last few months! She went from not speaking in any of the classes to now freely sharing things about her life and joining her peers in all the fun these classes offer! She has made so many new friends throughout Wisconsin!"

When you support DSAW on Giving Tuesday, you support the well-being of those 275 people like Maddy who are isolated at home and craving social interaction. You help our friends rise above the current circumstances and work on achieving their dreams.

Will you consider making a gift to DSAW next Tuesday? You can even designate your donation toward a specific chapter!

Looking Back on October 2020

Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

October was Down Syndrome Awareness Month! DSAW celebrated our friends online with custom FB banners and profile pic frames. We also shared the words of people with DS and facts about DS on our Instagram. The cherry on top—Cranky Al’s in Wauwatosa, WI sold a DS Awareness donut that benefitted DSAW all month long!

Cranky Al’s “Kitty Special” Donut for Down Syndrome Awareness Month

The "Kitty" donut was created by DSAW-Southeastern member, Kitty, with the help of friends at Cranky Al’s! All October long, Cranky Al’s made and sold a blue and yellow “milk & honey” donut, and the profits benefitted DSAW! We are so grateful to Cranky Al’s for choosing DSAW for this partnership. We also thank Kitty for capturing the whole story on her YouTube channel, “Cooking With Kitty.” Watch her video below!

Celebrating a SWEET Friendship: Thank you Cardinal Capital Management and Professional Construction, Inc.!


The Cranky Al’s Kitty donut made the perfect thank you gift for two incredible sponsors of the 2020 Down Syndrome Awareness Walk: Cardinal Capital Management and Professional Construction, Inc. These companies really showed up for DSAW this year and we are so appreciative of their support during these uncertain and challenging times. Thank you for your generosity and dedication to our mission every year- we could not do what we do without YOU!


Uniquely Created Designs: Supporting DSAW during DS Awareness Month and Beyond!

Uniquely Created Designs is owned by Teri Larsen, a mother to a daughter who has Down syndrome. Her online store sells adorable DS awareness merchandise. From now until 2021, a portion of sales on their site will benefit the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin! Get your DS Awareness Month gear, holiday gifts, or prepare for WDSD 2021! Thank you so much, Uniquely Created Designs!

Shop Here

Fall Family Fun

Our organization is continually finding new ways to connect our community during the pandemic. DSAW- Southeastern and MADSS hosted socially distant family outings to pumpkin patches and found safe and spooky ways to celebrate Halloween!

DSAW- Southeastern Fall Family Outing at Schuett Farms


DSAW- Southeastern hosted a socially-distant family day at Schuett Farms! To keep things a little more distant, families and self-advocates could show up to the farm at their leisure. When they arrived, they received a goodie bucket full of Halloween treats and tickets for pumpkin picking and a turn in the corn maze. Even though the day was a little chilly, DSAW families made the best of it and enjoyed their time on the farm!

A big thank you to Schuett Farms for hosting us! We could not have had this meet up without your beautiful farm and generosity! Thank you for helping us have a wonderful, fall family day!

This event was well-attended and showed us how much our families miss each other! DSAW is working hard to find safe ways for our community to connect during the pandemic.

Check out the next in-person family event: DSAW Winter Wonders Meet Up!

Madison Area Down Syndrome Society Family Farm Day

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MADSS members enjoyed a gorgeous fall day with their families at Schuster’s Farm. To keep this event extra safe and distanced, MADSS purchased tickets for families in advanced, and people could pick a time that worked for them to go. While we missed meeting up all on the same day, families still enjoyed the apple cannon, picking pumpkins, and giant wooden horse! Thank you to Schuster’s Farm for hosting our families throughout the last few weeks and for our families for posting such awesome pics on Facebook.

Statewide DSAW Trivia Night

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DSAW is hosting monthly virtual family events throughout fall and winter! We kicked them off with Statewide DSAW Trivia Night on October 22! Families and self advocates from across the state participated in Trivia Night virtually!

November’s Virtual Family Event is a remote showing of the Kohl’s Wild Theater Production, “Welcome to the Zoo!” Sign up ASAP to reserve your spot.

More info on Virtual Family Events is coming soon!

Statewide Support Parent Training

The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin (DSAW) partnered with Parent to Parent of Wisconsin (P2P) to train a new group support parents! This group went through a lengthly virtual training that prepared them to give support to another parent of a child with Down syndrome. These parents will be matched with new and expectant parents who are looking for resources and support!

DSAW Connects: Fall Programming

On September 1, DSAW launched the fall section of DSAW Connects which runs until December 18th! Read below for updates on what a few classes have gotten up to in October!

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Body Blast

Body Blast is a modified and inclusive fitness class for all abilities! They make sure that staying fit is FUN! This month, the class practiced a yoga routine that followed along the plot of the movie Trolls.

Navigating Our World

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Navigating Our World is a class that focuses on current events and managing the uncertainty of this year. This month, the class had a creative outlet day. The photo shows the progress that participants have made on their creative projects that identify things that are "in or out of their control.”

Free Fraternal Fall Programs

DSAW is thrilled to be able to offer FREE, virtual programming during the fall/winter. The current programming runs through December 18th. Read below for some class updates!

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Crafts & Conversation

One of the free fraternal programs DSAW is offering this fall is Crafts & Conversation. This is a class that encourages self-expression by exploring creative craft projects, such as basic scrapbooking and making greeting cards. Instructors focus on creating art with recycled materials (pictured) like bottle caps and cardboard.

Stream Team

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DSAW Stream Team is a popular program for self advocates 18+! Some fall highlights include our Halloween Trivia Day, and spooky Halloween Party which featured festive music, videos, and of course costumes!

13th Annual Self Determination Conference

Self Advocates from DSAW presenting

Self Advocates from DSAW presenting

Keynote Speaker and DSAW Member, Erin

Keynote Speaker and DSAW Member, Erin

DSAW was excited to be one of the few organizations invited to the 13th Annual Self Determination Conference. One DSAW member, Erin, gave a keynote speech about mental health. Four self-advocates affiliated with DSAW, and our Program Manager Lily, presented at the 13th Annual Self Determination Conference put on by Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, InControl Wisconsin, and People First Wisconsin.

Their session was called, "Virtual Learning: Let's Stay Connected and Healthy" and covered how to best utilize virtual resources during the pandemic and beyond. We couldn't be more proud of all of them for sharing their knowledge with such a wide audience!
More Information

Looking Back on September 2020

Walk Day 2020: DSAW Was Virtually Inseparable On September 27th 

2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. When we were tasked with planning and executing our Down Syndrome Awareness Walks- the largest fundraising events of our year- during a pandemic, we had no idea what they would look like. What we ended up creating was truly powerful and reminded us that the DSAW family across the state is virtually inseparable not just this year, but all the time.


We threw a statewide awareness party for all of DSAW’s chapters and the Madison Area Down Syndrome Society. We united online for months ahead of Walk Day to raise awareness and encourage everyone’s fundraising efforts for our loved ones with Down syndrome and related disabilities. We loved hosting online giveaways, weekly Facebook Live videos, and connecting with our friends across the state.

That connectedness carried over into Walk Day. While DSAW- Southeastern gathered at Franklin Field, families and Walk teams in La Crosse were hiking in their Walk shirts. MADSS members were driving around town in a car parade. People gathered to walk in Green Bay, Sheboygan, Wausau, Chippewa Valley, and the Fox Cities, all in the name of Down syndrome awareness.

Thank you to all of the families and individuals across Wisconsin who participated in this new, mostly virtual, event. It was a year unlike any other!

If you missed it, you can still donate to support your community! Click the donate buttons below to give to your local Chapter. We can't wait to provide even more DSAW programs and services!









Walk Day Around Wisconsin!


DSAW- Southeastern WI

DSAW- Southeastern celebrated Walk Day with a car parade at Franklin Field. In the afternoon cars gathered in the parking lot and people waited for the program, decorated their cars for the parade, or caught up with friends they hadn’t seen in months.

DSAW’s Executive Director, Dawn, gave a speech thanking the Southeastern WI Walk’s wonderful sponsors: Cardinal Capital Management, Los Potrillos Auto Sales, Professional Construction Inc., our new friends at Roc Ventures and the Milwaukee Milkmen. Dr. Tim Tikalsky, DDS of the Dentists on Bluemound, UPS Freight, Nicolet National Bank, TJ’s Roundabout, TMJ4, My Choice Wisconsin, American Family Insurance, and Connections. She also announced the top 5 teams that raised the most leading up to Walk Day and they collected their prizes.

Then DSAW’s Marketing & Development Manager, Rachel, pumped everyone up for the main event- the car parade! Cars decorated with blue and yellow balloons, ribbons, and stars; with flags and photos taped to the doors, and with dogs hanging out of the windows filed out of the parking lot and into the streets, honking horns and blasting tunes.


DSAW- Central WI

DSAW- Central Board memebers posted a video that highlighted all of their 21 Showcase submissions! Each submission got a shout out and was celebrated! They then announced the Top 3 Fundraising Teams and thanked their event sponsors.

DSAW- Central WI then encouraged all of the Walk Teams and participants to go enjoy the day with family while walking and raising awareness for their loved ones!

Watch the DSAW- Central WI Walk Day Video


DSAW- Green Bay

DSAW- Green Bay was all about the walking on Walk Day. They announced their Top 5 Fundraising Teams and then took their celebration outside. Families walked in their Walk t-shirts and DSAW swag all around the Green Bay area.

DSAW- Fox Cities

DSAW- Fox Cities posted a Facebook Live on Walk Day. In the video they thanked their Walk sponsors and announced their Top 10 Teams: 1. Cruisin' w/ Cameron 2. Dan K & the Partay 3. Leg up for Liam 4. Chloe's Crew 5. StrongWill 6.Ollie's Entourage 7. Cruisin with Carter 8. Team Super Wyatt 9. Trey's Troopers 10. Dana's Daisies


After the video, they reminded all participants to get out and walk with loved ones during the afternoon.

Watch DSAW- Fox Cities Facebook Live

DSAW- La Crosse

DSAW- La Crosse celebrated their Walk Day with a video that showed off the 21 Showcase submissions from their chapter! Viewers then got to hear from Board member, Jean, who welcomed everyone from outside of J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. on French Island! Jean and other board members gave each sponsor a nice shout out from outside their businesses! They then announced the Biggest Team and the Largest Donation winners, and encouraged DSAW- La Crosse to go enjoy a walk or hike outside while wearing t-shirts.

Watch the DSAW- La Crosse Walk Day Send off

DSAW- Chippewa Valley

Board member, Scott, kicked off the afternoon by posting his “short and sweet” video that announced DSAW- Chippewa Valley’s Top 3 Fundraising Teams: Kalaya's Krew, Josephine's Peeps, Team Corbin. Congrats to the winners!! DSAW- Chippewa Valley thanked their amazing donors, sponsors, and families for sticking with them during this difficult year.

Watch the DSAW- Chippewa Valley Walk Day Winner’s Announcement

DSAW Connects: Fall Programming Launch

On September 1, DSAW launched the fall section of DSAW Connects which will run until December 18th! DSAW Connects offers both paid and free program options for all ages.

DSAW Connects: Statewide Fall Programming

For paid programs, courses are geared for ages 12 and up, although there is no minimum age. The fall section of classes offers new courses as well as classes that were available in summer. All participants must re-enroll in classes even if they participated in the summer.

Classes cover a range of topics and activities. There are programs like “Back to Work” and “Young Leaders” that are very content-based and geared towards older self advocates. There are fun group exercise programs like “Move and Groove” and “Body Blast.” As well as courses that cover social skills, media, and friendship! There is a class that will fit your needs and help you child or self advocate reach their goals this season.

If you think your loved one would benefit from our classes, sign them up! If you are unsure if your loved one is ready, contact Lilly to see if DSAW Connects is right for you.

DSAW Connects: Statewide Free Fraternal Programming

Free, fun programs are available for EVERYONE during fall! Parents groups and classes for all ages are offered at a variety of times.

Free programs like Mom’s Book Club, Grandparents Group, Music Therapy, Yoga & Mindfulness, and so many more are running through December 18th!

Interested participants should re-enroll in their desired programs so they get the updated dates, times, and Zoom links for this season.

Looking Back on August 2020

August was another busy month for DSAW! We hosted our first in-person fundraising event since March and developed a whole new menu of DSAW Connects programming for fall! It is also less than a month until Walk Day across the state! Read on to see what we’ve been up to.

24th Annual Pip & Homer Golf Outing


On August 12th, DSAW hosted our 24th Annual Golf Outing! This was our first in-person event since March. DSAW has been greatly impacted by the pandemic, so it was more important than ever for us to reach our fundraising goal at this event. That meant adapting the day and activities to be socially-distant and safe for volunteers, self advocates, and event attendees.


The event took place at Western Lakes Golf Course in Pewaukee and was full of the usual activities: putting contests, golf games, raffles, a paddle auction, and of course lots of golf! This was DSAW’s first event that incorporated GiveSmart technology to make giving easier for our guests. DSAW hosted a socially-distant program afterwards and announced the 1st place, “Average Joe,” and 21st place winners. Guests got a dinner “to-go” from Saz’s catering.

DSAW is so grateful to all event staff, volunteers, and attendees for coming out and making the best of this day with us. We are looking forward to throwing our usual party in 2021!

Wrap Up: DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programs


Our DSAW Connects Virtual Summer Classes wrapped things up on August 14th so the instructors could prepare the fall curriculum. Throughout the summer, DSAW Connects reached over 80 students of all ages from across the state every day. There were 9 DSAW Connects classes on our summer schedule (not including our free programs), many with multiple sections to accommodate all of our participants’ schedules. We consider the summer a smashing success and look forward to September 1 when fall classes begin!

Wrap Up: Free Summer Programs for DSAW Families

The Stream Team!

The Stream Team!

Here’s what a few of our groups were up to in August:

Mom’s Coffee/Book Club

On August 21st, the moms shared a lot of laughs while discussing The Lager Queen Of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal. The next meeting is on September 17th from 8-9 pm via Zoom. This month’s book is 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand.

Stream Team

This self-advocate group likes some friendly competition with games like “Name that Tune” and “I Spy.” We start class with a “Question of the Day” and at the end of each class, the participants watch a music video for “Song of the Day” and it’s a blast listening to friends’ favorite tunes.

Tween Stream Team

These tweens love talking to each other! Their favorite game is “Would You Rather” and they like to catch up about which TV shows they’re all watching. This class is a great break in the day from content-based classes and it lets the participants just relax and catch up with their friends in a structured way.

Grandparents Group

DSAW- Grandparents Group has expanded statewide! You can join this lovely group of grandparents at any time and stay connected with them through the new Facebook Group. In August, the group enjoyed a virtual chat with self advocate speaker, Tim Harris! The DSAW Grandparents Group has continued to donate baby toys, socks, and other items to the Parent’s First Call Program throughout the summer.

DSAW Connects: Statewide Fall Programming Announced

Registration launched for our DSAW Connects: Statewide Fall Programming! The fall section of DSAW Connects runs September 1 through December 18. 

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DSAW is thrilled at the success of our DSAW Connects program and is excited to offer new classes and old favorites during fall.

We also have a whole menu of FREE, Statewide Fall Fraternal Programs for our friends with disabilities, parents/caregivers, grandparents, families, expectant parents, and more!! 

Update: Virtual 21 Showcase 

Submissions for the months-long 21 Showcase on social media are due by September 20th! We’ve received amazing submissions from all over the State and we want to see more. We love celebrating all of our friends with Down syndrome and related disabilities virtually.

Submit a photo/video and description of your loved one to be shared on our Facebook page! Help us prepare for the Walk by celebrating all of our friends online.

Sign Up Here! 

Down Syndrome Awareness Walks

There is still time to register and launch your team for DSAW's Down Syndrome Awareness Walks across the state! Due to the uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the crowd size at our Awareness Walks in the past, DSAW's Awareness Walks will look different this year in that they are going mostly virtual! 

We are hosting awesome virtual activities all month long, a virtual program on Walk Day (September 27th), and some locations are examining exciting, local meet up opportunities such as a giant car parade or a physically distant Awareness Walk - check out your chapter's Walk page to learn more. 

Note: the 8/28 t-shirt deadline has passed. You can still purchase Awareness Walk t-shirts through your chapter's Walk website, however your order is not guaranteed to arrive by September 27th. Thank you!

Register for an Awareness Walk in your area today!


Chippewa Valley

Central WI

Fox Cities

Green Bay

La Crosse


Social Media Fun

Wrap Up: #DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenges

DSAW posted weekly giveaways on Facebook all summer long! The last challenge ran from Friday, August 21st until Friday, August 28th. Whichever Walk Team raised the most money by the 28th would receive a $100 gift card to a local business. DSAW’s friends at Abby Bank sponsored this challenge. During these last 3 months, so much fun was had and DSAW achieved so much. We thank walk participants, our sponsors, and our Facebook following for making the Weekly Challenges successful and lots of fun.

Here is a BRIEF summary of all the amazing things we did during our Weekly Challenges from June-August.

  • Raised $30,000 during the last week of #DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenges (all Chapters and MADSS)

  • Decorated our cars, homes, and offices with DSAW and awareness colors

  • Supported multiple local businesses across the state of Wisconsin and delivered weekly prizes to our winning participants

  • Inspired 203 people to share our Walk posts on social media, expanding our networks and getting the word out about the DSAW Walks

  • Received submissions from DSAW families and self advocates letting us know what DSAW means to them

  • Crushed our fundraising goal of $15,000 in one week so we could watch our Executive Director get “pie-ed” by her daughter on Facebook Live

  • Listened while Self Advocates shared how they exceed expectations

Welcome: September Daily Activities

As Walk Day gets closer, DSAW will post fun and simple daily activities on our social media to help families participating in the virtual Walk to feel connected to each other. Please check out the graphic to see what’s in store for September, and join in the fun on Facebook!

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Looking Back on July 2020

DSAW Walk season is in FULL SWING! The DSAW community has been busy forming teams, participating in weekly social media challenges, and raising funds in all kinds of crazy and fun ways! As the Walks gained momentum, we were also busy planning the Annual Golf Outing in Southeastern WI which will be our first socially-distant, in-person event since March! DSAW Connects classes continue for a few more weeks before we switch it up again with new programming. Read on for all the details!

DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programs for All DSAW Chapters and MADSS


Our DSAW Connects Virtual Summer Classes continued through July! Over 80 students of all ages from across the state participate every day in DSAW Connects classes and many of our classes have multiple sessions to accommodate all schedules.

Click here to learn more about our paid summer classes.

Here is what a few of our programs have been up to over the last month!

DSAW Connects: Media Madness

We are teaching future tech wizards in this class! The class has covered the basics of Google Drive usage and discussed the ins and outs of social media safety during July. We’ve had conversations about what to do about scam calls and other relevant media safety skills. We make time for fun too by watching popular music videos at the end of class.

DSAW Connects: Let’s Get Connected!

We are learning how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships during Let’s Get Connected! This class uses videos as a tool to promote conversation among the group. We’ve had awesome conversations this month about friendship!

DSAW Connects: Move & Groove

We are keeping active and fit throughout the summer season! This class fits a lot in a short amount of time! Participants learn routines to popular music and have check-ins with the instructor between songs so they can talk about wellness.

DSAW Connects: Creative Corner

The takeaway from Creative Corner is that art is all around us! Participants have made a lot of animal-themed art projects this month. They have also had great discussions about self- expression.

Free Summer Programs for DSAW Families

The Stream Team!

The Stream Team!

Here’s what a few of our groups were up to in July!

Mom’s Coffee/Book Club

In July, 6 moms shared a lot of laughs while discussing The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. The next meeting is on August 21 from 8-9 pm via Zoom. This month’s book is The Lager Queen Of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal.

Stream Team

This self-advocate group likes some friendly competition with games like “Name that Tune” and “I Spy.” We start class with a “Question of the Day” and at the end of each class, the participants watch a music video for “Song of the Day” and it’s a blast listening to friends’ favorite tunes.

Tween Stream Team

These tweens love talking to each other! Their favorite game is “Would You Rather” and they like to catch up about which TV shows they’re all watching. This class is a great break in the day from content-based classes and it lets the participants just relax and catch up with their friends in a structured way.

Grandparents Group

DSAW- Grandparents Group has expanded statewide! You can join this lovely group of grandparents at any time and stay connected with them through the new Facebook Group. They have some exciting speakers planned for the group!

Virtual 21 Showcase: 

This year, we are running a months-long 21 Showcase on social media, which launched during July! We’ve received amazing submissions from all over the State and we want to see more!

Submit a photo/video and description of your loved one to be shared on our Facebook page! Help us prepare for the Walk by celebrating all of our friends online.

Sign Up Here! 

Down Syndrome Awareness Walks

We launched registration for all of DSAW's Down Syndrome Awareness Walks across the state! This year, we are throwing a party like NEVER before! Due to the uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the crowd size at our Awareness Walks in the past, DSAW's Down Syndrome Awareness Walks will look different this year in that they are going mostly VIRTUAL!

If you thought you had fun with us on one day, get ready for our months-long celebration of our friends with Down syndrome!! DSAW families from around the state will be uniting with us to celebrate Down syndrome awareness ALL SUMMER LONG. Each chapter has its own fundraising page, so find your location below to get started! 

Register for an Awareness Walk in your area today!


Chippewa Valley

Central WI

Fox Cities

Green Bay

La Crosse


#DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenges

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DSAW has been posting weekly giveaways on Facebook since June! Registered walk participants who participate have received awesome giveaway prizes for growing their walk teams, sending in videos about why they love DSAW, and promoting the Walk on social media. Most impressively, the DSAW and MADSS community came together and raised $18,695.86 in one week! The goal was $15,000.00 and in return, DSAW’s awesome Executive Director, Dawn, got a pie in the face from her daughter, Abby!

This week, we are asking participants to decorate for DSAW and share pictures of their decorated homes, cars, rooms, etc on Facebook by tagging @DSAWisconsin to connect with us and get a chance to win delivered dinner from a local restaurant! Tune in to our Facebook Live video on Friday at 2 PM to watch the live drawing! We will also announce the next #DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenge during this video! Check out the DSAW State Facebook page for more info. 

DSAW will continue to post weekly challenges through the month of August, and then in September, Walk Month, we will post DAILY activities for registered friends and families to participate in up until Walk Day (September 27th).

Looking Back on June 2020

DSAW kicked it into high gear at the start of June with the goal of launching a new plan for our largest fundraisers of the year - our Down Syndrome Awareness Walks! Registration has launched for all of our Walks so check them out! While we collaborated with chapters across the state to organize those, DSAW Connects began it’s summer semester of new programs, we introduced a large menu of FREE fraternal summer programs, and our Golf Outing launched! It’s been a busy summer so far!

DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programs for All DSAW Chapters and MADSS


Our DSAW Connects Virtual Summer Classes continue to be a huge success. We will be sad to switch over to new programming after August 14th. More than 80 students of all ages signed up from across the state, and many of the classes offered multiple sessions to accommodate all schedules.

Click here to learn more about our paid summer classes.

Here is what a few of our programs have been up to over the last month!

DSAW Connects: Media Madness

We are teaching future tech wizards in this class! The class has covered the basics of Google Drive usage and discussed the ins and outs of social media safety during June. We’ve had conversations about what to do about scam calls and other relevant media safety skills. We make time for fun too by watching popular music videos at the end of class.

DSAW Connects: Let’s Get Connected!

We are learning how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships during Let’s Get Connected! This class uses videos as a tool to promote conversation among the group. We’ve had awesome conversations this month about friendship!

DSAW Connects: Move & Groove

We are keeping active and fit throughout the summer season! Move & Groove fits a lot into a short 1 hour! The participants learn routines to popular music and have discussions about wellbeing with the instructor in-between songs!

DSAW Connects: Creative Corner

The takeaway from Creative Corner is that art is all around us! Participants have been creating lots of animal themed works of art this month and have had great discussions about self expression.

Free Summer Programs for DSAW Families

In June, DSAW began its menu of FREE fraternal programs for families around the state, including music therapy, zumba, yoga, Stream Team, parent and grandparent groups, scrapbooking, and more! 

Click here to learn more about our free fraternal programming. 

In June, DSAW began its menu of FREE fraternal programs for families around the state, including music therapy, zumba, yoga, Stream Team, parent and grandparent groups, scrapbooking, and more! 

Click here to learn more about our free fraternal programming. 

Here’s what a few of our groups have been up to this summer!

Parents’ Night IN

This fun-loving group of parents and caregivers continues to meet twice a month via Zoom. Now more than ever it is important to stay connected (or make new connections)! We love seeing you all on these calls and get so excited when new people join!

Stream Team

This self-advocate group has been learning more about each other through fun games like “Question of the Day” and “Would You Rather?”. They’ve also enjoyed activities like show-and-tell and Pictionary. At the end of each class, the participants watch a music video for “Song of the Day” and it’s a blast listening to friends’ favorite tunes.

Tween Stream Team

These tweens love to play games like “5 Second Rule” and participate in other social activities. This class is a great break in the day from content-based classes and it lets the participants just relax and catch up with their friends in a structured way.

Grandparents Group

DSAW- Grandparents Group has expanded statewide! You can join this lovely group of grandparents at any time and stay connected with them through the new Facebook Group. They love to share adorable pics of their grandkids with each other.

The Annual Golf Outing

Our DSAW Golf Outing, will be held on August 12th at Western Lakes Golf Course! It is the most FUN Golf Outing you’ll ever attend. In addition to a day spent golfing on a beautiful course, the entire day is filled with fun games, exciting chances to win BIG prizes, delicious food, and a beautiful program. Tom Pipines, retired Fox sports anchor, and Steve “The Homer” True, sportscaster for ESPN, help us to put on this wonderful day.

DSAW is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and has plans in place to keep everyone safe at our Golf Outing this year.

Register here!

Down Syndrome Awareness Walks

We launched registration for all of DSAW's Down Syndrome Awareness Walks across the state! This year, we are throwing a party like NEVER before! Due to the uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the crowd size at our Awareness Walks in the past, DSAW's Down Syndrome Awareness Walks will look different this year in that they are going mostly VIRTUAL! We are hosting awesome virtual activities all summer long, a virtual program on Walk Day, and some locations are examining exciting meet up opportunities such as a giant car parade or a physically distant Awareness Walk - check out your chapter's page to learn more. 

If you thought you had fun with us on one day, get ready for our months-long celebration of our friends with Down syndrome!! DSAW families from around the state will be uniting with us to celebrate Down syndrome awareness ALL SUMMER LONG. Each chapter has its own fundraising page, so find your location below to get started! 

Register for an Awareness Walk in your area today!


Chippewa Valley

Central WI

Fox Cities

Green Bay

La Crosse


#DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenges

Starting at the end of June, DSAW began posting weekly challenges as a part of the DSAW Virtual Walk! This week, we are asking participants to share their Walk on social media! You can link to a Facebook fundraiser, share a DSAW post, or post the link to your team. Use #DSAWVirtualWalk or tag @DSAWisconsin to connect with us and get a chance to win a State Fair Wisconsin Products Pavilion gift package! Tune in to our Facebook Live video this Friday at 2 PM to watch the live drawing! We will also announce the next #DSAWVirtualWalk Weekly Challenge during this video! Check out the DSAW State Facebook page for more info. 

Looking Back on May 2020

Just because we are still staying safer at home doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy! We still got to see our friends from around the state in the month of May. Our spring session of DSAW Connects comes to an end this month and DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programming begins on June 1st!


Covid-19 and Down Syndrome Webinar

MADSS hosted a webinar led by Amy Lyle, MSSW, APSW and Maria Stanley, MD called “COVID-19 & Ds: The Knowns, Unknowns, & Tips for Survival.” The webinar was well attended and covered the current status of the pandemic, and how it affects individuals with compromised immune systems or serious health conditions. The recording of this webinar can be accessed from the DSAW COVID-19 Resource Page.

DSAW Webinar Series Presents:

The DSAW Webinar Library holds recordings of all past DSAW webinars such as the April webinar “Behavior Basics.”

Mark your calendars for the upcoming summer webinars: “Healthy Students with Down Syndrome: All the Medical Updates that Parents & Educators Need to Know” on June 5th, “Toilet Training for Every Child” on June 17th, and “Advocacy in Wisconsin” on July 15th!

Wrap Up: DSAW Connects: Virtual Class Series

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Throughout the spring, DSAW Connects offered 11-13 classes each day for Southeastern WI and the Madison area. Two of the programs had multiple class sections to accommodate participants’ schedules and ages. Some are offered completely free! We are continually working to make our online programming just as accessible and individualized as our “in-house” programming.

MADSS Life Skills and Laughter

This group accomplished so much during May! They developed daily goals like learning new signs, keeping up with the news, and practicing dance moves.

Wellness & Workout

A daily exercise program that helps participants get moving! We explored a variety of workouts throughout the month like yoga and dancing. This class also discusses the benefits of movement, healthy lifestyle habits, and nutrition.

Life Skills & Laughter

This class provides an interactive way to sharpen our everyday life skills, strengthen our brains, and uplift our spirits. Class content and topics are always changing, but the goal is constantly to increase life skill knowledge!

Creative Corner

Creative Corner is about fun, art, and resourcefulness! The instructor provides participants with information about how to turn household objects into craft projects.

Stream Team
Stream Team is a fun, virtual hangout for self advocates ages 14+. This is a social hour packed with music, videos, and laughter. Our Stream Team loves Disney karaoke parties, virtual talent shows, and watching videos for “Song of the Week.” Participant’s pets have also been showing up to class:)

Social Skills

This class combines activities, games, and humor to get the group talking! A game our Southeastern group loves is “Would You Rather?” This game allows participants to share their opinions and thoughts in a structured and fun format.

Young Leaders Academy

It’s our Young Leaders Academy course… just online! This class is a continuation of the in-person classes we offer at DSAW’s office (west side) and on the east side, but we welcome new registrants as well!

Parents’ Night In

Parents’ Night In continued to be a much-needed break for parents and caregivers during “Safer at Home.” Hop on the call when you can or stay the whole time!

Parents’ Night In will continue on the second and fourth Friday from 7pm-9pm as a part of our Free Fraternal Programming. It will be open to parents and caretakers statewide.

Virtual Prenatal Diagnosis Support Group

This completely non-judgmental support group decided to meet twice a month starting in May and going forward into summer. The group is for women in various stages of their pregnancy and decision-making journey. We welcome everyone, regardless of any decisions made, to attend our judgment-free group.  Join us as we gather to provide support and share our experiences. Click here to learn more about this group and to sign up.

Fox Cities, Green Bay, and Central WI

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DSAW expanded the new online programming to the Fox Cities area and beyond! This series has all of the DSAW Connects content run by the familiar faces from Fox Cities that our families know and love! This fun-loving bunch started Friday Fun Days and had many themed days throughout May like Disney Day and Disguise Day.

See what DSAW- Fox Cities has been up to during their classes!

Wellness & Workout

This is the DSAW-Fox Cities “no couch potato club"!” We try different forms of exercising and movement every morning. During recent weeks, the class has been enjoying the nice weather and doing their workouts outside!

Creative Corner

Creative Corner is a relaxing and fun class that tells participants how to turn household objects (cereal boxes, toilet paper tubes, etc.) into crafts! This month participants used construction paper to craft different types of animals and did Disney themed crafts.

Stream Team

Stream Team focuses on letting the participants socialize with their peers through a variety of activities! DSAW- Fox Cities loves playing “Name that Tune!” They had another talent show in May and participants showed off their musical abilities, dance moves, and more!

Life Skills & Laughter

This content-based course has been focused on problem-solving and emotional awareness during May. The instructors used visual aids to help participants categorize example problems into different levels of seriousness. For this course, the lesson topics change every day!

Looking to Summer:

DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programs & Free Fraternal Programs

We can already see the incredible interest in DSAW Connects: Statewide Summer Programs! The webpage has over 450+ page visits as of its launch. Classes begin on June 1st and run through August 14th. People from any of DSAW’s chapters and from the Madison Area Down Syndrome Society are welcome! Not already connected to any of our locations? That’s okay!! All are invited.

Make sure to check out our Free Fraternal Programming too!

Looking Back on April 2020

It has been about 40 days since the “Safer at Home “ order went into place, asking DSAW and many other businesses to close their doors for the sake of slowing the spread of COVID-19. While our doors may be closed, activity at DSAW is anything but shut down!


DSAW Connects: Virtual Class Series

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Just one week into quarantine, DSAW launched DSAW Connects: Virtual Class Series and DSAW Connects: DSAW- Fox Cities Virtual Class Series! The majority of our participants are from Southeastern WI, Madison, the Fox Cities, and Central WI, but anyone from across the state is welcome to join us! DSAW seeks to provide structure, socialization, wellness, and normalcy to the participants’ days. Multiple classes are available for free, and we are seeking to expand programming options in order to accommodate an even wider variety of age groups. Classes cover life skills, social skills, wellness and more! Keep reading for more information.

DSAW Webinar Series

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Continuing with the theme of online education, DSAW hosted a webinar led by behavior expert Stacy Taylor, MA, B.C.B.A early on in April. 102 people registered for this discussion about the basics of behavior and how to apply behavioral techniques to a variety of real-life situations. The webinar was recorded and will be available in the DSAW Webinar Online Library until May 11th.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming webinars: “Healthy Students with Down Syndrome: All the Medical Updates that Parents & Educators Need to Know” on June 5th and “Advocacy in Wisconsin” on July 15th!

Southeastern WI & MADSS

DSAW Connects: Virtual Class Series

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DSAW Connects offers 7 programs for Southeastern WI and the Madison area. Two of the programs have multiple class sections to accommodate participants’ schedules and ages. Some are offered completely free! We are continually working to make our online programming just as accessible and individualized as our “in-house” programming.

DSAW Connects has received awesome feedback from parents. Check out a few select quotes below!

“This is an absolute SAVE for (my daughter)! This is a very positive thing for her mental health (and physical health…yay exercise). DSAW has provided an awesome response in this challenging situation!”

“GREAT JOB!!!” Really is nice knowing (my son) is connecting with friends during this time. Takes a load off of us and we appreciate your efforts!”

Here is what our DSAW Connects friends have been up to in class!

Wellness & Workout

A daily exercise program that helps participants get moving! DSAW Southeastern has explored a variety of workouts throughout the month like yoga and dancing. This class also discusses the benefits of movement, healthy lifestyle habits, and nutrition. More Information

Life Skills & Laughter

This class provides an interactive way to sharpen our everyday life skills, strengthen our brains, and uplift our spirits! The course covers a variety of topics, but has recently discussed environmentalism in preparation for Earth Day! Students shared ways they practice eco-friendly behavior and watched videos about endangered species and recycling! Class content and topics are always changing, but the goal is constantly to increase life skill knowledge! More Information

Creative Corner

Creative Corner is about fun, art, and resourcefulness! The instructor provides participants with information about how to turn household objects into craft projects! One of favorites from this month: paper plate emojis! Too cute! More Information

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Stream Team
Stream Team is a fun, virtual hangout for self advocates ages 14+ (younger children should check out TWEEN Stream Team). This is a social hour packed with music, videos, and laughter. Our Southeastern Stream Team loves Disney karaoke parties, virtual talent shows, and watching videos for “Song of the Week.” More Information

Social Skills

This class combines activities, games, and humor to get the group talking! A game our Southeastern group loves is “Would You Rather?” This game allows participants to share their opinions and thoughts in a structured and fun format. More Information

Young Leaders Academy

It’s our Young Leaders Academy course… just online! This class is a continuation of the in-person classes we offer at DSAW’s office (west side) and on the east side, but we welcome new registrants as well! More Information 

Parents’ Night In

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DSAW is also thinking about how we can support parents and caretakers during this time! We started a virtual meet up called “Parents’ Night In” to provide socialization and community for this important group. Parents’ Night In takes place online every Friday from 8-9 PM and has been very successful so far!

Fox Cities, Green Bay, and Central WI

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DSAW expanded the new online programming to the Fox Cities area and beyond! DSAW Connects: DSAW- Fox Cities Virtual Class Series has all of the DSAW Connects content run by the familiar faces from Fox Cities that our families know and love! Just like our Southeastern program, some courses are offered completely free!

See what DSAW- Fox Cities has been up to during their classes!

Wellness & Workout

This is the DSAW-Fox Cities “no couch potato club"!” We try different forms of exercising and movement every morning. One of our favorite sessions this month was a Star Wars themed yoga practice! Brittany the instructor found an awesome yoga video that told the story of Star Wars through a series of yoga poses. It was the perfect workout for this group! More Information

Creative Corner

Creative Corner is a relaxing and fun class that tells participants how to turn household objects (cereal boxes, toilet paper tubes, etc.) into crafts! This month, DSAW- Fox Cities made 3-D flowers out of cardboard, dream catchers, and more! More Information

Stream Team

Stream Team focuses on letting the participants socialize with their peers through a variety of activities! DSAW- Fox Cities loves playing “Would You Rather” and other question-based games. More Information 

Life Skills & Laughter

This content-based course has been focused on personal hygiene and self-care during the month of April. The instructors use videos to demonstrate important behaviors like hand-washing and the class has discussions about the daily topics. For this course, the lesson topics change every day! More Information